Sabroso Foods

2022: A year of Supporting our Communities.

We love our communities, and in these uncertain times, we must support them. We are committed to supporting local schools, foundations, and organizations, so they can thrive and grow. During 2022, Sabroso™ has partnered with various organizations and agencies in Alberta, British Columbia, and Ontario to help our community with food donations.

A company is only as strong as its community.

It is the children of today who are going to shape the future of our society. Since last year we have collaborated with Louis St. Laurent Catholic School. We have donated 10% of their online purchases annually. Funds go to the School Advisory Council (SAC), which supports many children’s activities.

Small acts such as giving Snacks to the children of St. Teresa School on Halloween gave us great satisfaction. It motivated us to keep doing our part to create a generation willing to help and share.

We must defend the most vulnerable or needy.

Another of our partnerships during 2022 has been with the Marian Center, providing Bakery and Snacks continuously. We are satisfied to see our donations transformed into a plate of food representing so much more. It means the power of empathy and compassion to create a more understanding society.

Other vital collaborations this year have been with agencies such as Leftovers in Alberta and Loop Rescue in British Columbia. These agencies are dedicated to collecting and redirecting food to where it is needed most. From schools where students pay what they can to programs such as “We Together Strong Community” that deliver food to entire communities in Edmonton. We have donated more than 3,400 kilos of products in the last few months, including pre-Cooked Corn Meal, Snacks, Fruits, and Vegetables.

Additionally, our partnership with Edmonton Food Bank and Daily Bread Food Bank in Ontario has allowed us to help more people than we imagined and become more sensible and compassionate about the many families that benefit from these food banks. A complex reality that we can make bearable with our collaboration. Thanks to the partnership with these institutions, we have donated over 21,000 kilos of Sabroso™ products.

At Sabroso™, we believe that helping people goes beyond donations. It makes us aware to recognize the needs of others. It is about listening to each other with an open mind and heart. When we have enough on our plates, we can be happy, helpful, and satisfied with everything else we have. Together, we can contribute to making a change for people that need more help.

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